A Fresh New Look: Our Rebrand Story
Fresh New Look: Our Rebrand Story
By Cara Thornton, Marketing Manager
As you might have noticed, we have had a total rebrand here at Write On Fundraising. Our website had quite a significant facelift. You can check it out at www.writeonfundrasing.com. At the beginning of June, we decided to let the cat out of the bag. We released to everyone the secret we had been keeping for so long. So you are probably wondering: Why did we want to change everything up?
Write on Fundraising has rebranded to better align with our mission to champion nonprofits. In addition to a fresh new look, we've updated our Core Values, overhauled the website, and added exciting new features to our newsletter. Because of our client's feedback, has also officially added Education & Training as a fourth service area. By the way, if you haven't signed up for it yet, you can do so here!
So what is it we do again? Write On Fundraising brings equity and compassion to philanthropy by facilitating access and amplifying voices to increase capacity, influence communities, and invest in people and organizations. We accomplish this by serving as a bridge between traditional fundraising practices and new upstream methodologies. Simply put, Write On provides new fundraising solutions for high-impact nonprofits through grant writing, individual giving, and capital campaign services.
Here is a little bit of a breakdown of what each of our core values represents, so you get a better idea.
Let's start with Philanthropic Equity. Where it all started. This is the first and original core value of Write On Fundraising. It perfectly sums up why we do what we do. It is to create more access points to fundraising for nonprofit organizations that typically do not have access to the tools and resources they need to effectively fundraise. We don’t want to just bring more organizations to the table - we want to create a much bigger table!
Next up, we have Impact. Write On raised more than $112 million for small and medium-sized nonprofits and we're on pace to have an even more significant impact this year! This greatly impacts the communities we serve and the organizations we have been so happy to work with. It also says a lot for future organizations.
Compassion is next in line as one of our core values. Brene Brown always says it best - "Compassion becomes real when we recognize our shared humanity." By extending compassion in everything we do, Write On's third core value ensures that we lead with a sense of empathy and validate the good, the bad, and the ugly of creating meaningful change. We want to show the clients we genuinely care. We care about their mission and success and want to be part of their fantastic success story. We are just a step along the way to help them fulfill their dreams and make a difference.
Following compassion, we have Candor. Radical candor - expressing that we care personally before providing direct, concise feedback - is core to everything we do. In our communications with each other, our clients, and the community, we show up as the most authentic versions of ourselves and are unafraid to speak the truth. It's about being honest and upfront about what we can help with and what each organization is looking for.
Last but not least we have Celebration. We want to celebrate the work, celebrate the people doing the work, and celebrate the countless ways in which nonprofits make life better for everyone. Nonprofit work is HARD! At Write On, we make it our business to make time to celebrate everyone in the process. So cue the confetti as we have SO much more to celebrate.
Which of our core values most align with you? We’d love to hear from you. Drop us a line at info@writeonfundraising.com to schedule your free consultation and learn more about how Write On is helping nonprofits increase capacity across the country.