Nestled in the Ozark Mountains, Historic Cane Hill (HCH) partners with residents and local stakeholders to rescue, preserve, and rehabilitate buildings and land tracts to maintain its place as an important center of the arts, history, education, and commerce. Historic Cane Hill approached Write On with a unique fundraising challenge and ample opportunity to grow individual giving for their nonprofit.



  • Grow fundraising portfolio from a single major donor to a robust, comprehensive fundraising program with diverse funding options

  • Center local residents in the fundraising strategy in a way that honored their families’ unique connections to the land and artifact donations to the museum

Our Approach

Write On Fundraising began with our typical Annual Fund design for HCH. After recommending a menu of potential custom fundraising activities for the organization, HCH selected three activities for further development in the activation plan: a new donor society and membership program and updates to a special event that had never broken even. At the time, the organization had no development staff, and opted to move forward with Write On’s Director of Development on Demand services to launch the new annual fund. Our fundraising team got to work implementing the new plans and within one year, we surpassed our initial fundraising goals so significantly that HCH was able to hire additional staff and transfer the programs in-house!

The Results

  • Set an initial donor society goal of $27,500 and 11 donors; raised $65,900 from 10 donors

  • Broke all previous attendance records for the 35th annual Cane Hill Festival and netted $34,000 (making the event profitable for the first time)

  • Launched the organization’s membership program, creating a brand new recurring revenue stream

Sample pages from our Annual Report


Brendon McLarty Memorial Foundation Case Study


Goddard Youth Camp Case Study